All bags will be searched before entry.

Bags will be restricted to small purses, fanny packs, and single pocket drawstring bags only. Bags may not exceed 14” x 11” x 5” and must have only one singular pocket or opening. Backpacks and bags with multiple pockets are prohibited. Hydration packs are allowed but must be emptied of all liquid and have no more than two pockets in addition to the one holding the water reservoir.

Bag Policy _Square-01.png


  • Video equipment / recording devices

  • Drones or any other remote flying device

  • Professional cameras that are not approved through the media credential process

  • Laser pointers

  • Skateboards / Inline Skates / Bicycles

  • Coaster wagons

  • Kites, Frisbees

  • Picnic baskets / coolers (exceptions may be made for medical use only)

  • Firearms, explosives, and weapons of any kind (including pocket knives and pepper spray)

  • Bags that do no comply with the bag policy listed above - you will be asked to take your bag back to your vehicle if it does not comply!

  • Oversized umbrellas (golf umbrellas) or umbrellas with a pointed and/or metal tip

  • Aerosol containers (including sunscreen and personal beauty products)

  • Outside food or beverages (including alcohol)

  • Cans or glass bottles

  • Illegal and Illicit substances of any kind

  • Pets (except service animals)

  • Selfie/GoPro sticks

  • All Grand Rapids parks prohibit smoking of any kind, including vaping. See the Clean Air and Public Places Ordinances for more details.

THE BELKNAP reserves the right to alter carry-in policies at any time.

THE BELKNAP works closely with local authorities to ensure the safest possible experience. You will notice uniformed and plain-clothed security throughout our festival. They are there to keep you safe, do not hesitate to ask them for help if you need immediate assistance.

For the safety of everyone entering the festival, all fans are subject to a full and complete airport-style search prior to entry. This may include a full body pat-down and magnetometer screening before entry. If you would like to be screened by security personnel of your same gender, please let security personnel know prior to the search process. Screening of children will always take place with the consent of a parent or guardian.

Security will confiscate items if they are illegal. They will not hold any items until the festival is over. If you’re bringing prescription medication, make sure the name on the label matches the name on your ID, and our medical team will clear it at the entry gate.

If you see something suspicious, say something!


As of June 1st, 2021 all restrictions on outdoor gatherings have been lifted in the State of Michigan. Belknap Park offers 25 acres of space if you wish to be socially distant while experiencing Upheaval!

If you’re NOT vaccinated, the CDC recommends you wear a mask, stay 6 feet apart, and wash your hands when in a large gathering setting.